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- STEREOWAVE - Stereogram Animation using Java applet by Kondo
INSTRUCTIONS: You must allow Java to run to use this applet. Click START button to start the animation. ADJUST PARAMETERS: • Shape: Shape of 3D object • Size: Size of animation • Precision: Density of granules • Depth: Depth of the waves • Step: Speed of the waves TIP:Keep your cursor on the START button and press it again and again to pause and refocus as needed without having to look away. You will see a very large 3D object speckled with white granules either coming out towards to or going in; depending if you are viewing it cross eyed or parallel. Once you can view the stereogram try increasing the depth.
HERE is a larger 900 x 900 version.

Sorry! You need a Java-enabled browser to run this program.

If you find mistakes, have suggestions, and or questions please post at mewbies forum HERE - thank you. Last update on 31 May '13
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